Valery Pronin
Web Design & Development

I create fully custom websites for businesses and individuals.
Full cycle: design, development, launch, and maintenance.

Client's needs first

Tools and skills are useless if the main goal is missing, so a good and detailed conversation is crucial for the success of future projects.


/ A case study is coming soon

Website redesign for
"Wire Sports Managment"

The goal was to redesign an outdated website to make it look more in accordance with Wire's general partner's (CAA Agency) website, so Wire's potential clients would feel confident outgoing from a strong partnership between two successful companies.


/ A case study is coming soon

Personal website for Vlady Zankavets

Vlady is a top-notch strength and conditioning coach working with the world's most outstanding athletes. Also, he's the author of two books and dozens of scientific articles! Social networks were just not enough to cover all his professional needs, so after a number of conversations, we decided to build him a fully functional website.


A case study is coming soon

Landing page for new business

Searching for clients is not an easy task for a new business, especially when you just moved to a new country. People need to get to know you and your work before they can trustably choose your services. In that way, a well-structured and informative landing page is essential. Me and Denis (the client) worked through each aspect of his business, and together we got to the set of key information that should be represented to his potential clients.

Services - What can I help you with?

While you stay focused on your business, I will take care for web development part.

  • Web design. To design a structure for your future website, we will go through all your visions and business needs. 
  • Web development. When a future website's structure is ready, it's time for implementation. You'll get a fast-loading, good-looking, and practical-to-use website.
  • Content management. Save your time and focus on things that really matter. Content management is easy for me and cheap for you.
  • Free hosting. If you work with me, I'll cover all your hosting needs for free. All my websites are hosted by Hostinger, which is one of the best providers. So you don't need to take care of it.

Tell me about your project
